Mayfly Award

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A gathering of Mayfly Awardees and their sculptures at the 2018 AMR Conference. Left to right (back row): Joe Pizarchik, Andy McAllister (Conference Co-Chair from WPCAMR), Tom Grote, John Dawes, Art Rose, Bob Hedin. (front row): Louise Dunlap, Margaret Dunn, Pam Milavec, Russ Wagner, Dave Mankameyer, Craig Morgan, and Robert Hughes (Conference Co-Chair from EPCAMR).

The Pennsylvania Abandoned Mine Reclamation (AMR) Conference’s coveted “Mayfly Award” recognizes individuals who have dedicated a lifetime of knowledge and expertise to the reclamation of abandoned mines in Pennsylvania.  The mayfly was selected as the symbol for this award because its presence in a stream signifies clean water.

Mayfly Dun by Steve Kardos
Mayfly Award 2007 by Steve Kardos

The tradition of presenting the “Mayfly Award” began at the 2007 Conference and the list of Awardees has grown to represent a long list of distinguished individuals.

2007 – R. John Dawes
& Louise Dunlap

Mayfly Award 2013 by Michael Bestwick
Mayfly Award 2013 by Michael Bestwick

2008 – Margaret Dunn
& Russ Wagner

2009 – Dr. Robert S. Hedin, Ph. D.
& Dr. Arthur Rose

2010 – J. Scott Roberts

2011 – Dave Hess

2012 – Bernard J. McGurl
& Robert Eppley

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Mayfly Award 2019 by Mark Chuck

2013 – Bruce Leavitt

2014 – Pam Milavec

2015 – Art Grguric

2016 – Joe Pizarchik

2017 – Tom Grote
& Ed Wytovich

Mayfly Award 2023 by Michael Bestwick

2018 – Craig Morgan
& Dave Mankameyer

2019 – Mark Killar
& Gary Merritt

2021 – Malcolm Crittenden
& Pete Dalby and Terry Morrow

2022 – Tim Ference
& Donna Wagner

2023 – John Stefanko
& Janie French

2024 – Who Will It Be?